The Bhagavad Gita is often translated as The Song of the Celestial One, and is part of the Mahabharata epic. It is one of the best guides of the Indian approach to life. The Baghavad Gita is the discourse given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna just before the great war at Kurukshetra.

In the Baghavad Gita, As Arjuna is about to lead his forces into battle, he becomes hesitant, knowing that to be victorious, he will have to slay his cousins' families. Krishna explains to Arjuna the true nature of the universe, helping Arjuna to understand his destiny.

Krishna states that there is more to life than empirical reality. He says that the aging body and the wavering mind enclose a divine essence - the serene soul.

He explains how the immortal soul can be liberated from its mortal confines by realizing that all turmoil experienced by the body and the mind is a product of ignorance and attachment. To facilitate this realization, Krishna offers the technique known as yoga, explaining its three different forms.

1) Gyan Yoga, logically becoming aware of the reality beyond perception

2) Bhakti Yoga, humbly accepting every situation as the will of the divine

3) Karma Yoga, fulfilling one's commitments without an eye on the results

Krishna explains that karma yoga is the best way to attain oneness with god, because it helps society function and it maintains worldly order, while also ensuring individual salvation.