Tibetan Red Sandalwood Incense

Tibetan Red Sandalwood Incense

Tibetan Red Sandalwood Incense


Product Details

This might just be the best sandalwood incense you will ever burn. The exclusivity of Red Sandalwood - it grows in only certain parts of Southern India - is what makes the Tibetan Red Sandalwood incense a favorite among incense lovers.

Discover why sandalwood has been used as a currency since ancient times, as the wonderful scent of burning sandalwood had been valued for centuries in Asia. Delight yourself with a box, light some, and just relax as the fragrance invokes images of dawn in the Himalayan mountains. Picture yourself meditating on a hill overlooking a beautiful valley, surrounded by red sandalwood trees. The calming scent is sure to bring a smile to your face and peace to your heart.